

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


Parent Teachers Association Information


What is the Micklem PTA and what does it do?


It is the school's Parent-Teachers' Association. The Micklem School Association organises events and raises funds for the school, to be spent on things that the school budget cannot pay for. In previous years the PTA has paid for many things for the school including:

  • Educational resources for each class
  • Subsidising pupil's school visits
  • New play equipment for the playground
  • Whole school visits to the Pantomime, Whipsnade Zoo and Knebworth House
  • Digital stop watch for the playground
  • Defibrillator for the school


Recent events have included:

  • Christmas Fayre
  • Non-uniform days
  • Discos
  • School uniform shop
  • Raffle 


We are currently raising money towards a new bike and scooter shelter.


Committee Members

These are elected at the AGM. Committee members plan and organise events and also decide on how money raised is to be spent. We have an annual AGM and Committee meetings are held on an adhoc basis and before a big event. Committee members can attend as many meetings as they are able. 

If you are interested in helping the PTA in anyway then contact the school office.


Forthcoming Events


Please find below dates for our forthcoming events



PRE-LOVED school uniform items can be purchased within the School Shop on Arbor.  These are items that have been donated by parents and then washed by the PTA, ready to sell for as little as £1.00 per item.


Should you be interested in making a purchase, please remember that the School Shop can be found on the main dashboard of your child’s profile, at the very bottom within Arbor. You can only put through a purchase if the number of items you are trying to purchase is the same as or less than the number of items we physically have in stock. For example, if we have 2 book bags left and you try to purchase 3 you will receive a note, and must change it to this number or below e.g. "The maximum value for this field is 2". If there aren’t any items available, the +Add button will disappear, and you won't be able to pay through the Arbor App.


The office staff will check Arbor once a week for purchases made and we shall send your items home with your child, however should you require something urgently, please let us know.

Easy Fundraising


Do you want to help our PTA to get £s for nothing? Sign up to easyfundraising and download their app today, and our PTA will get £2. It’s also the easiest and quickest way to support Micklem School - Hemel Hempstead! easyfundraising partners with over 8,000 loved brands so we can get free donations from your online shopping. How amazing is that? Sign up and download the easyfundraising app today to start supporting our PTA: 
