Good morning year 4
I hope you're having a nice week.
Watch the video to give you an idea about another invention you could design. As you watch the video, think about how you would explain how it is working and what sort of language you would need to use. You could write these verbs (doing words) down as you watch. For example; jump, push.... Explanation texts use action verbs to ensure that the reader knows something has to happen for a reaction. Afterwards, have a go at the worksheet to help identify action verbs. We will need these when we write about our own invention. Hope you enjoy the video!
It's the final part of our learning on Roman numerals which is about explaining and justifying your answers. If you find it too tricky you can have a go at the some of the questions in the activity booklet. (Also uploaded yesterday).
Other activities
I have attached a couple of ideas if you're going to a park for your daily exercise or you may find some of these items at home. I've also attached a list of ideas for constructing simple things out of everyday objects. You may have your own ideas - share them on the blog if you like. Finally, I'll put the Rob Biddulph drawing link up again as I know a few of you really enjoyed this.
Have a good day, stay safe and keep in touch.
Mrs Hobbs