

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Autumn term


I hope your child has been enjoying settling into year 5 – we have an exciting year planned, packed full of interesting topics and learning.




TOPIC – our topic this term is the South American Rainforest.  We really enjoyed our trip to the Living Rainforest, especially seeing the sloth.


PE - We have swimming every Thursday and PE on a Monday afternoon.  Please make sure you send named PE kits into school.

Homework is set every Wednesday and is a mixture of spellings, math skills on mathletics and project work often themed around our topic.  Please feel free to support children to choose their own way to respond to the topic homeworks.  I am normally happy for them to choose whether to write, draw, make a powerpoint etc.

Reading – Please keep reading with your children or talking to them about their independent reading.  This is such an important way of keeping them learning and will really prepare them for secondary school.  If they keep sending in their reading records, they might get a prize at the end of the term.

We look forward to working with your children this year.  If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to be in touch.

Mr. Cuthbert, Mrs. Dowling and Miss Bean
