

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Year 1

Miss Courtnell, Mrs Waterton and Miss Bean would like to welcome you to Year One.


  • In Year One the children learn both inside and outside. We will provide outdoor jackets and outdoor trousers. Please ensure they have wellington boots at school.


  • On Wednesdays we have PE with our coaches. This term we are doing gymnastics and learning about balancing, travelling and different shapes our bodies can make. Please make sure they have their shorts and PE t-shirt at school all week. 


  • The children now self change their reading book, based on what interests them (at their level of reading). Everyday their reading records will be checked and tracked. Each day, when they have read at home, they will be moved along our reading tracker. On a Friday all the children on the star will have a special reward. This could be some extra house points or extra play time. 


  • Every Friday the children will be given new home learning to look over. This will include information for their grown ups to know what we are doing in class. It includes what we are learning in English, Maths and Topic. It also includes next week's show and tellers. As well as this it includes Maths home learning tasks and English home learning tasks, this is to be completed by the following Friday. Below is where the home learning tasks will be uploaded on a Friday. 




This term we have been learning about old toys. We borrowed a museum toy box full of old toys and investigated how they worked and what they were made of. We found out lots of old toys were made from wood. 


We decided to think about these toys in the future and added a clever new feature to them. Below is some of the writing that we have done to show our learning. 
