Hello everyone,
I have seen some amazing kites! How did you get on with yours? I wonder if it flew as high as Stanley?
Today we are carrying on with our learning about fractions - you are doing so well! Mrs Byrne will be so impressed with your maths! We are finding more fractions of shapes today, but you will have to use your sharing skills as well!
In English, we are going to practise writing using detail and description. We will be using noun phrases and including adjectives to describe poor Stanley in his shepherdess outfit!
Last of all I have set you a reading challenge. This can go on all week, no rush. You will need to use Oxford Owl https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and choose one of the book I have chosen - have a look at the sheet. Search the title in the search bar. Then you can complete the challenge activity in your own time.
Have a great day Year 2. I miss you all!
Mrs Cavender