Welcome to Reception Class.
Your teachers are Miss Courtnell, Mrs Lopez, Mrs Cox and Mrs Tate
Welcome to your child's first year at big school! Each morning we have a healthy fruit snack. If you would like your child to have milk during this time, please inform the office. Please could you provide your child with a named water bottle, which can be refilled each day at school. Your child needs named wellington boots and indoor shoes that can be left in school in our boot box. This means that they can use the sand pit and mud kitchen as well as the rest of our outdoor area, especially on rainy days! Our P.E. day is Friday; please make sure your child comes to school wearing an outdoor PE kit (e.g. trousers and jumper, as well as their PE top). Unfortunately, due to COVID we are unable to allow toys and personal items from home in. If your child would like to share something from home, I'd recommend putting it on to tapestry (either as a video or a picture) and we can share it in class.
Please share a story with your child each evening. We will be beginning to send books home soon, these books will link to the phonics we are learning and will support your child to practise their story telling, blending and segmenting. Some books may not have words in them and these are a great resource to use to improve own story telling and predictions.
If your child needs to be away from school due to COVID quarantining or illness, the home learning will be loaded on Tapestry and will be grouped in weekly sections. If you have any problems with Tapestry (log in or unsure how to use etc) please use this email, reception@micklem.herts.sch.uk to get in touch with me. I will check it once per day and will reply within 48 hours. If you would like to speak to me urgently, please call the school office and leave a message. I will then call you when I am able.
You can find our school reading books on the Oxford Owl website. The username is - micklem and the password is - thanks.
Best wishes,
Miss Courtnell, Mrs Lopez, Mrs Cox and Mrs Tate