29th June 2020
Dear Year One,
A very warm welcome to you whether you are at home learning or at school. I hope you are well and have been enjoying the sunshine.
It is Sports Week this week! Mr Mahr has asked me to give you this link https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bp-sport-badge-2020?collection=blue-peter-badges You can apply for a Blue Peter sports badge which is really exciting!
Every day there will be a sports challenge loaded onto the Sports Week Page (Class Pages, School Closures, Sports Week) for you to complete so you can have a sports day at home!! The year 6 will score everyone points for their house team and on Thursday, announce which house has won Sports Week both at school AND at home. Join in and have some fun!!
This week we are finishing off our Handa work. Remember you were writing your own version which we now need to finish. I have loaded up the sound charts again for you if you would like them. You will need your story so far, your plan and a good, sharp pencil to carry on! Go to the Video Centre ( Children, Video Centre, Year 1 Closure Work) to find out today's challenge.
It is Sports Week, so your Maths this week will have a sporting theme! It is loaded up below for you.
I have also put some work on Purple Mash for you to practise your phonics.
Take care,
Mrs Stokley