Welcome to Year 1!
I am delighted to be teaching in Year 1 this year at Micklem Primary School. The children have made a great start to the academic year and I can't wait to see how they progress throughout the year. In Year 1 we are joined by Mrs Waterton, Miss Louis, Miss Evans and Mrs Rose. All staff have different roles throughout the year to support all the children as much as possible. Please ensure your child is coming in to school in correct uniform with items labelled, reading book, reading record and coat.
Each child will have a banded reading book, as well as a library book which will be chosen by the children themselves. These will be changed once a week, if finished. Please make sure you are trying to read with your child as much as you can at home and signing their reading log. It's incredibly important to not only listen to your child read, but also ask them questions about the book to see if they understand the story and certain vocabulary.
Homework will be completed on the Seesaw App. It will be set on a Wednesday and due in the following Tuesday. Please let me know if you have any problems accessing the homework. Each child has their own individual log in details.
PE in Year 1 is currently on Wednesday and Fridays. Please ensure your child comes to school in full PE kit and wrapped up ready for the cold months ahead.
If you need any further information or have any questions, please catch me at the start or the end of the day. If an emergency, please contact the school office.
A big thank you as always,
Mr Frost