

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


15th July 2020

Dear Year One,

Hello my dears!  I hope you are all fit and well today.

So, I have found you another story to enjoy today  It's called Elmer and the Rainbow.  Doesn't Elmer look bright and colourful?  Why don't you pick your favourite animal and see if you can draw a picture of them as colourful as Elmer?  Can you use some words to describe them?

I have uploaded a revision mat for Maths and another activity for you to try.  This time it's nest making!  See if you can make a nest for a bird.  If you do it very carefully and put it in a tree or hedge - you may get a bird make it their home?  How exciting! Happy building!

Take care,

Mrs Stokley smiley
