Hello Year 2,
Remember to check on the Sports Week page - what is your challenge today?
Are you all enjoying the sunshine? It is very hot isn't it? Make sure you are drinking lots of water and putting your sun cream on. Have you noticed that there are lots of ladybirds around at the moment? Do you think that they like the sunshine?
So, now we know all about the Olympic Games! I was so excited to see all the countries coming together to compete in so many different sports this summer, but now sadly this won't be happening now because of Covid 19. This is so disappointing, but the good news is that it will still happen next summer! Did you find out where this years games was meant to be taking place? You did? Yes it was going to happen in Tokyo. Where in the world is that? Today we will find out more and when the games do happen next summer we will know all about this very special place. So, your first challenge is to find an ipad and ask Siri this question:
" Siri, where is Tokyo?"
In English today we are going to do some shared reading from a power point all about the country where we would find Tokyo. What can we learn? Make a spider diagram with the name of the country at the centre and add all the things you learn on a new spider's leg. Just like we do in school. Have a look at this short video and notice the things which are the same and different about these 2 places. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/geography-ks1-ks2-your-world-tokyo-london/zv9pbdm
Solve another clue in Maths. Do you think you will be able to solve the mystery by Friday?
Have another go at an Olympic Maths challenge and enjoy doing any other sport activites today! Try some of these https://www.nhs.uk/change4life/activities.
Enjoy your day Year 2 and remember be active, but stay hydrated!
Mrs Cavender