Our topic for the summer term is canals! We are lucky because we have one right on our doorstep but how much do you know about them?
To start you off, have a look at the information below about how and why canals were built. There are also a couple of powerpoints looking at canal art.
For your Easter project I would like you to research about canals and canal life. This could take the form of a scrap book, a fact file, a powerpoint, a model, artwork, local history. See what you can find out.
What is the name of the canal that runs through Hemel Hempstead? Where does it start and end? Who is John Dickinson and how is he related to local canal history? Think about the wildlife and uses for the canal. Try and find out why canals have locks and how they are used.
During your daily exercise you could walk along the canal path and take some pictures. Can you find any photos of the same part of the canal from 100 years ago?
Mrs Harvey, Miss Batchelor and myself are missing all of you so please stay in touch.
Have a lovely Easter and I look forward to receiving your Canal Projects in a few weeks.