Dear Parents,
Welcome to Year 1 at Micklem Primary School. Our PE days will be Friday, we would like the children to wear their PE kit in to school. They will be wearing them all day, so please make sure they have joggers and a jumper if it’s cold. Your child will need their own named water bottle which can be refilled in school each day. A new reading book will be sent home daily. Please read with your child as regularly as possible and enjoy sharing the book together. Please initial the reading record book whenever you read so we can change them regularly. Homework and sight words will come home every Friday. Please make sure that completed homework and library books are returned to school on Wednesday each week.If your child needs to be away from school due to COVID quarantining or illness, the home learning will be loaded here and will be grouped in weekly sections. Please send your child's completed work to the Year 1 email address: Please use this email to get in touch with me. I will check it once per day and will reply within 48 hours. If you would like to speak to me urgently, please call the school office and leave a message. I will then call you when I am able.
Your can find our school reading books on the Oxford Owl website. The username is - micklem and the password is - thanks. If you are not sure of your child's reading level then email me and I will let you know.
We look forward to working with you this year.
Best wishes,
Mrs Stokley (Class teacher)
Miss Forman, Mrs Rose and Mrs Browne (Teaching Assistants)