Hello year 4
I am looking out of my window at a beautiful blue sky with a few clouds and it is very peaceful. Did you know there are different names for different clouds? Do you know what sort of cloud a Cirrus is? and do you know the name of the cloud that we usually get during a storm?
Watch the power point and have a go at the activities and those of you who have been telling me the maths is too easy, have a go at the challenge questions.
We have been doing some great learning on metaphors and how they are used in poetry. Today we are going to be looking at onomatopeia (phew!) in poetry. Watch the power point and then have a go, enjoy!
The last few activities I have found for you today are a thinkuknow activity sheet which is involving safety on the internet. There is a link to a clip you can watch and then activities based around e-safety. I have also uploaded a set of alphabet exercise cards that I thought might be fun, you could time yourself and see how long it takes you to complete the alphabet. Or you could make up your own and add repetition, race against a grown up or sibling? And finally I there is a spot the difference slide just for fun!
Have a good day & stay safe.
Mrs Hobbs