ZOOM Registration
Please join us at 10am each weekday morning through Zoom.
If you need a link please email me at year2@micklem.herts.sch.uk and I will send it to you.
See you there!
Mrs Cavender
Happy Christmas!
Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and looking forward to a happy New Year for everyone.
Year 2 have made a special nativity play to share with you all. Not all the children are on the screen, ut absolutely everyone played their own special part. Enjoy watching and sharing with your child - we am sure they will be able to tell you all about it! Just go to the ta marked 'children' and into 'the video resource centre' where you find 'Jesus' Christmas Party'!
Very best wishes,
Miss Rawson, Mrs Watterton and Mrs Cavender
Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope that all our new children will soon settle in and enjoy being back in school. In Year 2, Mrs Cavender our the class teacher, Mrs Waterton is our teaching assistant and Mrs Rawson will teach the class on a Thursday.
This term we are really looking forward to our new topic
‘What’s Out There?’
Coming up this term:
We have lots to look forward to in school, including:
In Maths we will be working really hard to learn our number bonds to 10 and 20. Our mental maths strategies will focus on counting on and back in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, recalling doubles and halves.
Learning will include place value, addition and subtraction, problem solving, money, 2d and 3d shapes and to estimate and measure time, length and weight.
The children will also have the opportunity to learn data handling skills in our topic based activities.
In English we will be story telling to help the children in their writing. Role play will give the children opportunities to re-tell stories and create new versions of their own. We will also be reading and finding information from non-fiction texts and the internet.
During guided reading, the children will be developing their comprehension, accuracy and fluency. As always phonic work will be linked to reading skills and spellings.
Speaking and listening continues to be a key focus and this term the children will prepare a short talk which will be published on our school website!
A Few Reminders:
PE will be on Wednesday and Thursday. Please can the children come to school in their P.E kits on this day. They will be wearing them all day, so please make sure they have joggers and a jumper.
A named water bottle will be needed and this can be refilled in school in school each day. This can stay in school all week, be filled up each day and go home for a wash at the weekend.
A new reading book will be sent home each day and we ask you to please read with your child as regularly as possible. Enjoy sharing and please initial the reading record book whenever you read .
Homework and spelling will come home every Friday. Please make sure that completed homework and library books are returned to school on Wednesday each week.
Lastly, please feel free speak to me briefly at the end of the day if you have any concerns or worries. Alternatively, email me at year2@micklem.herts.sch.uk
Looking forward to a great year ahead,
Mrs Cavender, Mrs Waterton and
Miss Rawson