Welcome to Year 6!
Mrs Byrne and Mrs. Potts
During the week, we need to remember the following things:
P.E kit must be worn into school on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure that your child is wearing joggers and a school jumper or hoody as we will be outside as much as possible.
Wednesday - Homework needs to be handed in.
Water bottle and warm clothes to be worn every day as the windows and doors need to remain open all day.
The children are expected to read for at least 15 minutes every night and regularly during holiday periods. If a child finishes the book then they should continue to read (any book or material). Children are given a reading record and parents are asked to sign it regularly to confirm that their child has read. If a parent is unavailable to sign the record then the children can do it themselves but they must write a description of what they read. This is to aid not only their reading, but also their vocabulary, grammatical structures and writing.
The children are given an English or Maths homework every week. This will be set on a Friday and is due back by Wednesday of the following week. If homework is not handed in, then children will be given the opportunity to complete it in school. There may also be some additional tasks. Spellings are given out on a Wednesday when appropriate and the children will be tested in the following week - it is the children's responsibility to learn their spellings. It is essential that the children realise the importance of doing their homework. It is good training for Year 7 in Secondary School!
Times tables rock stars
As with many things, continued practice of maths skills will support children's learning and enable them to further understand key skills. There will be regular tasks set for the class to complete on rock stars.
As secondary school is fast approaching, we encourage the pupils to be more self-reliant and self-sufficient. They need to take more responsibility for their own behaviour, learning and progress.