

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


Attendance at Micklem


Being in school every day is hugely important for every child.  It is proven that regular attendance is an important part of giving your child the best start in life.  Our children are learning every day and missing school can lead to a child falling behind in their learning; something which is then difficult to rectify. 


It is imperative for parents to bring their children in to school as often as possible, even if they are feeling 'under the weather'.  We will keep a close eye on your child and our office staff are happy to administer medicine in accordance with our school Managing Medicines Policy.  If we do not feel that an absence is justified, we might ask you for evidence that your child was unwell.  This may be through a doctor's note or pharmacy receipt.  If you are unable to prove your child's illness, we may record it as unauthorised.  


If your child is at risk of having too many unauthorised absences (10 am/pm sessions of absences within a 10 school week period), in conjunction with the Attendance Improvement Officer, we will send you a letter warning of Fixed Penalty Notices.  If you continue not to send your child to school, we may proceed in issuing a Fixed Penalty Notice.  This will be a fine, which is payable for each child by each parent.


If you have any questions about this, or how we can help your child to achieve better attendance, please speak to Mrs Gilden or Miss Evans.


