Key stage 1 comparative report
This information allows you to compare your child’s performance at the end of key stage 1 with the attainment of other year 2 pupils in our school this year, and across England in 2023*.
Subject | Percentage of pupils achieving at least the expected standard: school (2024) | Percentage of pupils achieving at least the expected standard: nationally (2023)1 |
English reading | 60% | 68% |
English writing | 50% | 60% |
Mathematics | 66.7% | 70% |
Science | 66.7% | 79% |
* Please note, as KS1 Teacher Assessment submission to the DfE is now non-statutory, national data is from 2023.
1. Data showing the attainment of pupils in the 2023 key stage 1 national curriculum teacher assessments:
Key stage 2 comparative report
This information allows you to compare your child’s performance at the end of key stage 2 with the attainment of other year 6 pupils in our school this year, and across England in 2023*.
Subject | Percentage of pupils achieving at least the expected standard: school (2024) | Percentage of pupils achieving at least the expected standard: nationally (2023)1 | Average scaled score: school (2024)2 | Average scaled score: nationally (2023)3 |
English reading | 64.5% | 73% | 103 | 105 |
English grammar, punctuation and spelling | 48.4% | 72% | 100 | 105 |
Mathematics | 54.8% | 73% | 100 | 104 |
English writing (teacher assessment) | 43.3% | 71% | N/A | N/A |
Science (teacher assessment) | 83.3% | 80% | N/A | N/A |
* Please note, national data shown is 2023 data.
1. National percentages (2023) from:
2. Scaled scores guidance:
3. National scaled scores (2023) from: