Our equality vision for Micklem Primary School in line with our whole school vision, values and aims is to learn about, promotes and celebrate diversity in our school, local community, national society and world.
Some of the activities we have undertaken to demonstrate our commitment to the equality duty are:
- Contact with SEND advisory services to support individual children's needs
- Disability - disabled toilet, paralympic athlete visit, simulated athletics
- Charities - Raise awareness through fundraising for charities (i.e. red nose day, jeans for genes)
- Safer Internet Day
- Racism - Register of different languages in school, opportunities for children to talk about where they are from, support and respect children's religious beliefs, stories from other cultures, parent visit to school to discuss or demonstrate Islamic culture, Indian dancing, Indian food tasting, Mexican food tasting.
- Gender - we encourage equal opportunities for girls and boys and do not encourage gender roles