3rd April 2020
Hello Year One!
How are you? I hope you are feeling fine and managing to get a little bit of fresh air everyday. I went out for a walk yesterday and spotted some daffodils and some blossom starting to bud. Springtime!
Remember if you want to show me your work or something you have done with your family then please do get in touch - year1@micklem.herts.sch.uk.
If you're managing to get outside I've put 2 activities for outdoor learning on here. 20 things to do with a stick and how to create your own tree art.
If you like baking, I have put a recipe for bluebell cakes on here that you might like to try. Take a photo and send it to me if you make them - I would love to see
Every year, we have a special French Day and I thought we could have a go at learning the colours in french. Mrs Lopez might have taught you this already so now you will be an expert! I am putting a video on here from YouTube (ask your parents permission first and to help you load it) so you can hear how to pronounce (that means say) the different colours in french. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acvUtipaC5Y . Then you can use the word mat and colour in the rainbow. Maybe you could put that one in your window too? Or take a photo of it and send it to me? How lovely.
Did you manage to find out the names of the oceans? They are - Pacific, Arctic, Southern, Indian and Atlantic Ocean. We need to remember the oceans in Year One and also the continents. See if you can find out the names of the 7 continents?
I have taken some questions out of a maths challenge we do at the end of each term. They might be tricky for you but have a go. Look at the answers and work out each little sum to help you find the final answer. You can do it!
There are some more activities on Purple Mash if you would like to look on there too.
Don't forget to look on Oxford Owl, NumBots and Phonics Play too.
Next week is the Easter Holidays so I will put a little project for you to do over the 2 weeks. Have a lovely Easter and watch out for the Easter Bunny!
Take care of yourselves and stay in touch...
Mrs Stokley