

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


Curriculum Policies

Our Teaching and Learning Policy forms an overarching curriculum policy stating how we teach at Micklem Primary School.  This is a working document and will be adapted and improved following evidenced based research and as we continue to develop our pedagogy. 

Other Policies

Subject Access Request

The school office may be closed outside of term time or when the school is closed for a reason out of our control. Any requests made during closure may not be completed by our staff until the school reopens. This includes Subject Access Requests (SAR) under GDPR and Freedom of Information Requests. Due to the complexities of replying to such requests during the school holidays, we may need up to 2 months to complete this request, although we will endeavour to complete it more quickly, and usually within 30 days once we are satisfied with your identity and the school is open. If we need longer than this during term time, we will inform you. See for clarification of this information.

Copies of any of the documents contained on our website can be obtained free of charge from the school office.
