

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


PSHE and RSE Curriculum


At Micklem Primary school, especially since the Covid 19 pandemic, we recognise the importance of children’s PSHE development. 


This year we have purchased a thorough and comprehensive curriculum for teachers to deliver PSHE effectively. This scheme is called ‘Jigsaw’ and you can read a parent’s guide here: file:///N:/Downloads/Jigsaw-Information-Leaflet-for-Parents-and-Carers-2020.pdf



Through the implementation of the scheme we will embed PSHE throughout the school day and give children the skills in which to help them develop their self-regulation and ability to focus and learn effectively in all subjects. One of the tools we will teach the children to use is ‘mindfulness’ which has proven to have a positive impact on well-being and behaviour.



As we deliver the Jigsaw curriculum and ensure it becomes embedded in our every day practise, we will see the children more focussed and ready to learn, having developed the skills necessary for self-regulation and appropriate behaviours for learning.


Mental Health

The implementation of Jigsaw also goes hand in hand with our new Mental Health Lead in post in school.  This has raised the importance and profile of pupil’s and staff Mental Health and Wellbeing.  The Mental Health Lead will also oversee the implementation and impact of the Jigsaw Curriculum.

Guide for Parents and Carers about Relationships and Sex Education in Jigsaw

What does Jigsaw teach about LGBTQ relationships

RSHE and PSHE Policy
