

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Delivering Special Provision Locally

What is Delivering Special Provision Locally?

Delivering Special Provision Locally (DSPL) is a Hertfordshire-wide initiative, working to improve the range of provision and support services available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, aged 0-25.

It aims to secure a range of provision, support services and resources in each area that:

  • meets the needs of children and young people with SEND aged 0-25 as close to home as possible
  • improves outcomes for wellbeing and attainment
  • widens choice for children and parents/carers
  • removes barriers to learning
  • uses resources effectively


Dacorum DSPL

Dacorum DSPL (DSPL8) is one of nine areas in Hertfordshire where parents, early years settings, primary and secondary schools, further education, local authority professionals and other agencies work together to review what is available and develop provision to fill in the gaps.

