Good morning everyone. Hope you are all still well and managing at home.
Now... I'm afraid you may not thank me for today's challenge?!
Today is creativity day!
If you (mums and dads) can face it can the children do some painting today? What colours can they mix? Start with the primary colours red, blue and yellow. What colours can the children make?
Or can the children use some glue or tape and join some boxes together to make a model. This could literally be joining 2 together which is a challenge in itself!
Perhaps do some collage, stick smaller bits of paper and other bits to another piece of paper.
Get the playdough out or maybe be you could make some following the instructions in the pack we sent home?
Maybe you could make a card for someone you can't see at the moment?
All these things are great for developing not only creativity but also fine motor skills (hand strength and co-ordination)
Good luck and go for it!!