

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


Today's English:

Look over your plan for a finding story.  It should be in different boxes and each one will make a paragraph.

Start the first paragraph that introduces the characters and where they are.

Now read through your writing and check:

  • Have you used full stops and capital letters for your sentences?
  • Have you checked your spellings?  Use a dictionary (there are some on the internet)
  • Have you used detail to describe the characters and setting.  'He lives in a house' is not very descriptive, but 'His house was old and twisted with a huge curving chimney pot.  In the middle of his bedroom was large wooden bunkbeds with three levels, painted in purple with silver flecks.'
  • Enjoy your writing.

Now try paragraphs 2 and 3 where the characters find a special object and something happens.
