

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


Monday 3rd May

Good morning 



Today we will be re-visiting work on unit and non-unit fractions and recognising how to write and draw fractions in different ways. 

Monday Maths

Still image for this video

The Pebble in my Pocket - Part one

Still image for this video

Monday English



Listen to part one of the story.  Think about where the story is set.


1)  Describe what the pebble looked like

2)  How far beneath the continents are the oceans?

3)  Why does the ground shake on the second page?

4)  On page 5 describe what happens to the rocks 395 million years ago.

5) Why do you think the author uses the words slowly, slowly?




Monday English task


Listen to the video and look at the the task.  Think about the words that the author has used to describe what the earth was like and helps you to visualise it.


Art activity

Using the words and pictures from the text can you create your own visualisation of the volcano using the words from the story.  Use pastels, paint, crayons, paper or anything around the house that you can get your hands on!



Monday Task
