

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


2nd April 2020

Morning Year One

How are you today?  Did you draw any funny animals yesterday?  If you want to send me anything then my email is  I would love to hear from you. smiley

Did you enjoy the story by Mini Grey?  Here is another one for you.  I think I've read it to you before. It's called 'Wild' by Emily Hughes.  The link is:  Let me know what you think.

I have put some work onto Purple Mash.  I'm so pleased to see some of you doing it.  Fantastic!

In Year One, we have to learn how to spell the days of the week.  See if you can start by naming them and getting them in the right order.  Then you could try some work that I've put on here to help you practise and then you can take the quiz on Purple Mash.  I've also put some work on Purple Mash about Spring - you can watch the film and then try and do a piece of writing.  

Don't forget to practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.  See if you can it write it down as you say it.  Or play times tables tennis with someone in your house? 

I did a quiz last night with Miss Courtnell and Mrs Cavender on FaceTime!  Can you remember how many oceans there are in the world?  I got this question right!  See if you can remember and send me your answers.  I'll reveal the correct answer tomorrow.  Clue: there are 5.

I'll back in touch tomorrow. 

Mrs Stokley




