

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


22nd May 2020

Dear Year One,

Did you manage to work out the Fergus's riddles yesterday?  Wasn't he lucky to have a starfish in his treasure chest and Blackbeard's ruby ring?  I wonder if Blackbeard will come after him?  Fergus has better watch out!

Today, I have loaded up a treasure map to give you a guide.  Have a go at either following the link or drawing out a treasure map of your own.  It could be a map of your garden, school or even your bedroom?  Where will you hide the treasure?  How will you set clues for your pirate family to follow? You can also write about your treasure or just enjoy playing pirates.  Have fun!

Below is the last sequence on Fractions - I have been very impressed with your learning.  I know it's difficult being away from each other but you have all taken on the challenges brilliantly.

Next week is half term.  I am not going to set work for you and you do not need to send me anything (unless you want to!).  I have put some experiments that you can do at home in the Half Term Activities section.

It's just for fun so have a go if you want to.

Have a lovely half term.

I'm so proud of you,

Mrs Stokley smiley 

Learning Sequence 32 Friday.mp4

Still image for this video

Sayeeda, the Pirate Princess
