

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Pupil Premium and Catch Up Premium Strategy

Pupil Premium and Catch Up Premium

At Micklem Primary School we use our pupil premium funding in a range of ways taking into account our school development focus of the 'whole child'.   For the academic year 2021 - 22 we have developed a three year strategy.  This will be reviewed annually to ensure our approach is having impact on outcomes. 

Teaching assistants and higher level teaching assistants are funded for additional hours to support children in personalised and small group interventions throughout the school day.   This includes support for social and emotional needs as well as academic learning.  

Support is offered through a range of initiatives such as one to one tuition, extra curriculum sessions in maths and English, support for children to attend school trips and school journeys.

Pupil premium children identified as musically enthusiastic or talented are in receipt of additional music lessons in the following instruments; clarinet, guitar and brass.  In order to raise aspiration for our advanced brass players, they are receiving additional tuition with a view to working towards grade 1. 

Some children are supported socially, emotionally and to encourage punctuality and attendance through places at the breakfast and after school club.  The school has a dedicated pastoral care team.  Pupil premium funding contributes to a percentage of the costs of employing a full time Learning Mentor and a part-time Nurture focussed teaching assistant.  Pupil premium funding is also used to buy in specialist support including play therapy and counselling.


In addition we receive Early Years Pupil Premium.  This is being used to ensure additional focus on early language development. 

We also receive Pupil Premium plus  for our children who are looked after by the local authority or who are under special guardianship or adopted from care. The school spends this funding in a range of ways including additional adult support, personalised tuition, on-line tuition, music lessons, sports activities and therapeutic interventions.  The spend is in response to need at the time and in conjunction with targets identified through each child's Personal Education Plan. 

The Government has also provided schools with a sum of money known as 'catch up premium'.  This funding is used to support pupils' education recovery.  


Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-27

Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-23

Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2022

Pupil Premium Strategy 2020-2021

The strategy has been updated and reflects the impact and review of our strategy 2019 -20. Due to the pandemic there has been no statutory data to reflect outcomes for children.  We have based this strategy on successful elements from 2019-20 and our own careful review of progress and attainment information gathered from assessment tasks and teachers formative assessment. 

Pupil Premium Strategy 2019 - 2020 (reviewed Jan '20) (including a review of 2018 - 2019)

Pupil Premium Strategy 2018-2019 (including a review of 2017-2018)

Pupil Premium Strategy 2017-2018 (including a review of 2016 -2017)
