

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Wednesday 22nd

Hello year 4, 


For today’s English lesson I would like to focus on expanded noun phrases.  You may remember from class, a noun is a person, place, animal or thing.  For example; cake, a noun phrase includes the article, for example the cake and an expanded noun phrase is just when we make our sentences more exciting by adding adjectives (describing words).  For example; the delicious cake

There are videos about this on the following link which you might like if you have not already seen;

From your paragraph yesterday about the Magic Biscuits can you edit your work and improve it with expanded noun phrases or if you have already included them, can you improve them with more interesting adjectives.  Challenge, can you include fronted adverbials?

Remember to check your spellings with a dictionary if you are not sure.

If you haven’t had chance to do the magic biscuits, you can start that today or simply have a go at the attached worksheet.  If you are unable to print, you can write the number of the sentence and the expanded noun phrase.

Keep up your reading – continue with the Firebird, read chapter 3 and have a go at the worksheet.

In Maths, don’t forget daily practise on TT Rockstars, I have attached the daily maths challenge and extension.  Again, if you can’t print just write the answers on some paper and get a grown up to check them. 

Finally, for science and geography, we have been looking on Purple Mash at the water cycle and liquids, solids and gases.  There are lots of experiments you can do online to show you how this works.  I have attached one idea but there are many simple versions online if you want to try one at home.  Don’t forget to send photos or videos or even add onto the school blog!

Water Cycle Demonstration to try at home.

Have you ever wondered what happened to the water puddle that was in the road just yesterday? Where did it go?
