

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together



Hello everyone smiley


I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. Over this next week I would like you to show me something you are proud of that you have done at home. You can ask your mum or dad to pop it on Tapestry so I can see. 


Today's challenges are to build your own house that cannot be blown over by your wolf mum or wolf dad. Think about how you make sure it is really strong...


Cory's mummy has suggested we try a different work out (Joe Wicks seems a bit hard for us! I think he is more for older children) I've had a look and it looks great. Follow this link and have a try:



After yesterday's hunting for 3D shapes, today I would like you to try and make 3D shapes. Remember they are NOT flat. Think about how you can make it... 



Extra Activities: 

1. Get yourself dressed and try to do all buttons by yourself. 

2. Help make lunch or dinner. Count how many people are eating and check you have enough plates etc.

3. Sing the days of the week song (from YouTube  can you write them down in the correct order??

4. Try to count all the way to 100 and back down again. Can you do it in 2s? 5s? 10s? 




Have a wonderful day.


Speak to you later, 


Miss Courtnell smiley
