Hi year 4
It looks like we may have a few days of cooler weather coming up. A little bit of rain will do my strawberries the world of good. I'll add a new photo next week to show you how many flowers have come up!
In maths today, I would like you to continue with the rounding questions, let's become masters! You don't have to do the whole sheet unless you want to, just pick a box a, b, c, etc and have a little more practise. I have also included some Fairy Tale word problems to go along with our English theme. Enjoy!
Today, we are continuing with our theme, stories from other cultures. As you listen to the story, think about what is the same and what is different from the Cinderella story from yesterday that we are familiar with. I hope you enjoy it.
Guided Reading
For today's reading, I would like you to pick two or three of the folk tales from Africa and see if you can write a sentence which summarises the message. Many of these folk tales are hundreds of years old and are still told today in many cultures to teach people about behaviour and consequences. Put your sentence on the blog or email me on Purple Mash or year4@micklem.herts.sch.uk and let's see who can guess which story you are talking about.
Here is my sentence - This is a tale about being thankful and taking care of what you have before it is lost. Can you guess which folk tale I am talking about?
Have a good day and stay safe.
Mrs Hobbs